In Roatan the driving is on the right-had side of the road, like the United States.
To rent a vehicle drivers are required to show a valid drivers license and a major credit card or
a cash deposit. Roatan is simple to navigate in the daytime, but use caution when driving.
Try not to drive at night as roadways are not marked well or divided in all places.
Try to drive a road in the daylight before you try it at night. Also, always be on the
lookout for pedestrians and livestock in the roads, there are no sidewalks.
Most roads are paved, but be cautious of potholes.
Unpaved Roatan roads are easy enough to drive on when dry;
be weary when conditions are wet.
Roatan is easy to navigate;
Here is a link to a detailed road map.
There is one main road runs lengthwise down the middle of the island.
The speed limit on the island is strictly enforced as pedestrians, stopping cabs and mini-buses
are not uncommon and often stop with no notice. Drivers on Roatan should be aware not
to drive while using a cell phone, while smoking, and all vehicles are required
by law to be equipped with a spare tire and the tools to replace one, and violations
of these traffic laws are crimes that will result in fines. There are frequent
Police traffic stops, they are looking for valid drivers license, insurance and
other safety items. They usually flag tourist rental cars past the checkpoint and only stop locals.
Coxen Hole is the largest town on Roatan. It is home of government offices, the airport,
a large grocery store, banks and the cruise ship docks. The new Mahogany Bay pier is located
on the far east end of town, near French Harbor. The old pear is located on the west end of town.
It streets are narrow and crowded with people and honking cars. Street vendors offer peeled oranges,
a variety of other fruits, newspapers, and souvenirs for tourists. Coxen Hole is one of the less
attractive communities of Roatan.
French Harbor is the second largest community on Roatan. It is a thriving business center,
with one of the largest grocery stores, banks, real estate offices, shrimp boat docks, and
shipping companies. French Harbor also features a nice shopping center. It features Wendy's
restaurant, AppleBees, a grocery store, and many other businesses.
Towards the west of the Island is the area called “West End” where you can find the
most popular tourst activities and the white sand beaches and an abundance
of local dive shops. Just east of the West End is the area called “Sandy Bay”.